Wednesday, September 24, 2008



So everyone is off to school, Two inch Vu, Life of the party Joe, Not so gay anymore Victor, and everyone else i met this summer.. almost.. I still got the boys ^.^.
Well I never update my blog, been HELLA busy. Well I dont know if i updated my trip to the east coast, but it was seriously a good fun vacation and a well deserved break. I finally met Judy (one of Quangs closest friends)... Quang managed to fall asleep talking.. like twice.. asshole. Oh and i drove in New York!... they sure are aggressive drivers =[.. but it was a really fun drive though.. I didn't take as many pictures of the east coast as I expected, it was mostly about relaxing site seeing and spending time with my long time buddy... I got a couple of shirts over there.. oh and a Tattoo with Quang and Tina =D but shh I am still managing to keep it away from my parents haha... It's on the left side.. under my armpit kinda.. felt like i was getting cut up son!...

After my trip to the east coast, I pretty much had school the next day... it was awesome -.-... pretty much trying to get through my classes still.. books.. everything.. killing me on the money..AND snowboard season is coming.. which I cant fucking wait forrrr... my goal this season is to hit ten times of going!.. which is friggin hella.. and hella money... sighh.. im also trying to get a LV bandanna for snowboarding ^.^.. fashion forward hahaha...

I think my last few weeks with vu were hella depressing.. but it was the most drunk and fun i've had in a longggg time.. but it's only a few more weeks and im off to socal for Halloween week and tina/truc/victors bday ^.^... ima be the photographer that day haha

Well there's been a bunch of other stuff that's happened me.... turning twenty.. me loving barney.. playing ball.. house is finally done remodeled.. almost got a 46 inch hdtv from my dad.. but no.. there's too much that has happen and im gettting lazy to type now.. so here's a few of my pictures i've worked on in the past month or wutever..

Friday, August 8, 2008


So after my quick blog it's been like a month since i blogged again.. terrible.

I'm really excited for my vacation ^.^.. only another week to go woot woot. Since i'm going on this vacation, i pretty much lost a week of summer with my friends over here, so i'm trying to hang out with them as much as possible.
Me and Tina have been talking a LOT about getting tattoos =D.. she's gonna get a scorpion and ima get chinese characters saying "simple but complicated"... I really want to get it before school starts, so I might have to get it in Virginia when i'm over there, only cause I want others to get the tattoo with me ^.^.
It took me awhile, but I finally decided to take my life into my own hands: not leaving what I do for others to decide, getting a tattoo because that's what I want to do, and finally doing what's best for me and not someone else.
For some reason i've been very excited to start school: it's something to keep me distracted and open more possibilites if you know what i mean hehe.
Also i've been helping WESTSCAPE out alot these past few weeks. I built them a dolly that hopefully wont break anymore, and also im helping them out by taking production shots for them. They're really cramped on time and MONEY, they were really hoping to win the youtube contest to put the winnings into the video, but that shit was rigged to the max ... stupid cat.

Here's a few shots I took of their first day of production and Joe's recording day, which was friggin hella difficult with bugs flying everywhere.

Friday, July 4, 2008


This might be the fastest I updated my blog >.<, but yeah.. it's July 4th and i'm not planning on watching fireworks so weird...
Lately all i've been doing is post-photography (editing) and stuff, I think i'm hooked >.<. I just got a
telephoto lens too, no gf = extra money haha.. so pretty much I've spent 2k on photography so far, and i'll probably regret it later when i'm not doing any photography at all. For now, it's worth every penny, I can just look at a picture for an hour and i'd be filled with awe over it, never had that feeling for anything. I'm actually looking for models so I can practice portrait shots, so if you want free shots for myspace or modelling crap holla ^.^....
What else is happening.... oh i have a list of people i promised to hang
out with, but i don't have time =X, half the list is friggin ex's ahha.... I hung out with lic today.. surprisingly it wasn't awkward, but im pretty sure it doesn't help my progress, eh wutever....
Well yeah here's a new batch of pics I took over in santa cruz ^.^

Monday, June 30, 2008


Well let's see, i've been extremely busy and haven't had much time for anything.
My best buddy Quang finally is gone, that asshole, making me spend money and shit. It was a really cool two weeks, makes me think how much closer we would've been if he stayed here and shit.
I've been doing a LOT of picture taking recently, with Vu's "From Where I Sit" project (VOTE FOR
IT), also with Weddings and all this other crap. Here's a few pictures I took with a 50mm at the wedding, and also wide-angle shots for Vu's project.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I just made the blog thingy and I'm already lazy to update.. sigh.

Well I've pretty much been going out everyday with my old best buddy Quack Quack, met a whole bunch of people; Paul my lover, Tina and all her "interesting" friends, and a bunch of his cousins.

Oh, and my house is under construction, its been friggin a month of waking up at 7 in the fking morning EVERYDAY sldkafjdklsaj.

Uhm, my coworker finally came up with a name for the photography website, it's called ask me if you're in need of wedding, engagement, or any kind of pictures you need to take.

Here's just a few pictures i've taken over in sf and at a random bank in mountain view haha.
The first pic is pretty cool cause I was literally right across the street and also in the rock picture I had to get durrty to get that angle, so had to lay down on the floor and put my camera on the cement =[... all the images were taken with a Tokina 12-24 wide angle lense...

"Do whatever it takes to get the shot"

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Got bored and decided to make a blog.

I'm probably just gonna use this to post up photography pictures and stuff, but I'm really lazy to put up pictures right now. So pretty much i'll just be normal and blog about what i've been up to =D.

Well finals are over, my fucking lesbian teacher gave me a BS grade in english, and well I pulled off grades out of my ass from my other classes so that was pretty cool. Summer so far is pretty good, seems like alcohol is the only way to go for our group, every weekend, as much as possible, and if there's a cool new way to have fun AND drink... we'll love to do it. Other than drinking, my life has been pretty shitty with the ups and downs, I try to get distracted by everything... work, going out, photography, gym, but I think about everything, and it sucks, it just kills everything I'm doing. I'll get over it, but bad things really do happen to super perfect good people like me, sighhh hahaha. At work my coworkers brought up a conversation that was hilarious, we were talking about S.P.A.M., Super Passive Asian Male - a guy that will never walk up to a girl that they think is cute. Sadly enough that's what I think of myself >.<. Well what else has been happening, well i've spend 1g+ on photography and i'm also trying to develop my skills so I can take pictures with my coworker at weddings and stuff. My best long distance bestfriend is coming to town in a few days too, so that'll be interesting, hopefully no yack on the curb status haha. And hopefully I can meet some girls that like SPAM guys like me =] haha. Go DIE.