Wednesday, September 24, 2008



So everyone is off to school, Two inch Vu, Life of the party Joe, Not so gay anymore Victor, and everyone else i met this summer.. almost.. I still got the boys ^.^.
Well I never update my blog, been HELLA busy. Well I dont know if i updated my trip to the east coast, but it was seriously a good fun vacation and a well deserved break. I finally met Judy (one of Quangs closest friends)... Quang managed to fall asleep talking.. like twice.. asshole. Oh and i drove in New York!... they sure are aggressive drivers =[.. but it was a really fun drive though.. I didn't take as many pictures of the east coast as I expected, it was mostly about relaxing site seeing and spending time with my long time buddy... I got a couple of shirts over there.. oh and a Tattoo with Quang and Tina =D but shh I am still managing to keep it away from my parents haha... It's on the left side.. under my armpit kinda.. felt like i was getting cut up son!...

After my trip to the east coast, I pretty much had school the next day... it was awesome -.-... pretty much trying to get through my classes still.. books.. everything.. killing me on the money..AND snowboard season is coming.. which I cant fucking wait forrrr... my goal this season is to hit ten times of going!.. which is friggin hella.. and hella money... sighh.. im also trying to get a LV bandanna for snowboarding ^.^.. fashion forward hahaha...

I think my last few weeks with vu were hella depressing.. but it was the most drunk and fun i've had in a longggg time.. but it's only a few more weeks and im off to socal for Halloween week and tina/truc/victors bday ^.^... ima be the photographer that day haha

Well there's been a bunch of other stuff that's happened me.... turning twenty.. me loving barney.. playing ball.. house is finally done remodeled.. almost got a 46 inch hdtv from my dad.. but no.. there's too much that has happen and im gettting lazy to type now.. so here's a few of my pictures i've worked on in the past month or wutever..