Friday, August 8, 2008


So after my quick blog it's been like a month since i blogged again.. terrible.

I'm really excited for my vacation ^.^.. only another week to go woot woot. Since i'm going on this vacation, i pretty much lost a week of summer with my friends over here, so i'm trying to hang out with them as much as possible.
Me and Tina have been talking a LOT about getting tattoos =D.. she's gonna get a scorpion and ima get chinese characters saying "simple but complicated"... I really want to get it before school starts, so I might have to get it in Virginia when i'm over there, only cause I want others to get the tattoo with me ^.^.
It took me awhile, but I finally decided to take my life into my own hands: not leaving what I do for others to decide, getting a tattoo because that's what I want to do, and finally doing what's best for me and not someone else.
For some reason i've been very excited to start school: it's something to keep me distracted and open more possibilites if you know what i mean hehe.
Also i've been helping WESTSCAPE out alot these past few weeks. I built them a dolly that hopefully wont break anymore, and also im helping them out by taking production shots for them. They're really cramped on time and MONEY, they were really hoping to win the youtube contest to put the winnings into the video, but that shit was rigged to the max ... stupid cat.

Here's a few shots I took of their first day of production and Joe's recording day, which was friggin hella difficult with bugs flying everywhere.